Lifestyle I
A Good Weekend
Ibiza JoySail, one of the newer competitions around today, has quickly become a beloved fixture for sailing enthusiasts. Launched in 2021, just four years later it has caught the heart of even the most discerning sailor thanks to its blend of exhilarating racing and well-liked social events, all set to a backdrop of the beautiful Mediterranean, and along the picturesque coast of Ibiza and Formentera.
It’s this special atmosphere that sets the event apart, with its healthy mixture of both Corinthian and professional teams. Each year, it attracts a diverse fleet of yachts in all five classes, ranging from sleek performance cruisers to opulent, luxury yachts, and in 2024, it received the greatest number of entries yet, with a total of 18 Superyachts registered to compete.
Race Director, Nacho Postigo, was thrilled with the outcome. “This race isn’t just action on the sea, but also a wonderful combination of activities on the water and on land,” he says. “And people seem to really like it. We had a couple of really successful evening events, and the amazing thing is that there’s great interaction between all the yachts. Here we’re all family and friends.”
The timing is deliberate: at the end of the season, before preparations for winter and just as crews are winding down from the Mediterranean season, everyone can relax and enjoy. But beyond the competition, the event has become well known for its low-key social scene. The relaxed, friendly crowd on shore has attracted some of the biggest professional names; competition is, of course, rife, but so is the joy of spending a day on the water before soaking up the beach-side hangout. Each evening, the whole fleet comes together at the hospitality village on shore, soaking up the moment just after the day’s adrenaline-fuelled antics to swap stories, relax and take advantage of Ibiza’s renowned vibe.
“Socially, Ibiza JoySail is a lot of fun, especially now that there are more boats,” says Clive Walker, Captain of Gelliceaux. The crew has participated every year. “This event has all the parts of the equation nicely together and that is why everyone is here. Everyone is enjoying this venue, so it is all coming together quite nicely.”
Given the rapid success of the event, the plans for 2025 are already in motion, set for the 18 to 21 September.